

"Jenny Okun's artwork consists of large-scale color photographic
abstractions of architectural works. Rather than produce literal
representations of buildings, Okun distills the essential qualities of
form, texture, color and detail. Before photographing the artist
creates preliminary sketches developing a cubist interpretation
of forms. With these formal juxtapostitions in mind, the artist
methodically photographs the building by winding the film through
the camera in small increments, thus producing one long negative
of overlapping images. Often these works are orchestrated into
triptychs of complex interconnecting themes and variations." (Craig Krull)


Karen Sinsheimer Intro to Dreamscapes Book

Garrett White Intro to MUST Catelogue

Henry Hopkins Intro to Variations book

Thom Mayne Intro to Variations book

Michael Webb Intro to Variations book

Press Release for Dreamscapes PDF

Press Release for Variations PDF

Press Release Layered Landscapes book

Julie Taylor review of Layered Landscapes book

Instagram: okunjenny